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How to Select the Right Wig

Choosing a Wig

When choosing a wig, make sure you find a piece that works well with your face shape and skin tone. If you have a strong jaw bone or profile, consider choosing a piece that is cut above the jaw. If you have a strong profile or don’t want to bring attention to your nose, you wouldn’t want a wig that is pulled back. If you have a small forehead and you feel that your eyebrows are quite pronounced, a piece with a really strong fringe cut in the front is not recommended. If you have quite a thin face, try to avoid long wigs that are cut to be all one length. If you want a long wig and you have a thinner face shape, you could ask a wig cutting professional to cut bangs into it and then extend the length gradually on the side. This would then frame your face and accentuate your cheek bones. At the end of the day, it’s most important to look for a wig that looks natural to you, that fits your face shape and make you feel confident and beautiful. 

Want to know more? Watch our wig expert, Alexander Turnbull explaining how to choose a wig!

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