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How to Care for and Style Human Hair Wigs

How to Care for and Style Human Hair Wigs

Do you have a human hair wig that you’d like to style? A benefit to human hair wigs is that it is as versatile as bio hair when it comes to styling with products and tools. Our synthetic wigs come ready to wear out of the box in the advertised style, but with human hair wigs you will likely need to do some styling before wearing it. This could include curling, straightening, putting it in an updo, or anything else you might have in mind!

Synthetic vs. Human Hair Wigs

Our Alopecia Ambassador, Abby Andrew, generally prefers synthetic wigs as she typically does not want to spend a lot of time styling, and synthetic wigs are lower maintenance and hold their style throughout many circumstances and for a longer period of time. After washing synthetic wigs they go back to their original style as well. For example, if you have a fully straight wig, once you wash it, it will go back to being straight. If you have a curly wig, the curls will keep their look and go back after being washed. With human hair on the other hand, if you had a naturally straight hair wig and curled it, it would go back to being straight after being washed. Also, if it’s humid or rainy outside, it would likely add frizz and change the style of the wig due to the circumstances. One type of wig that is in between synthetic and human hair wigs would be high heat wigs – these can take a lower heat level, but will hold their style better than human hair wigs. 

But having all of that said, many people love wearing human hair wigs due to the styling flexibility and to have a wig that feels more like their natural bio hair. While we have several different human hair wigs throughout our collections, we do have a dedicated collection as well called the Fair Fashion Collection. This collection is high-end human hair of all different lengths and colors. 

How to Care for your Human Hair Wig

If you have a human hair wig, here are a few tips for caring for your wig and styling it:

Be Careful With Your Heating Tools

Just like bio human hair, human hair wigs should be handled with care as to not damage the fibers. If you want your wig to stay in good condition, make sure you don’t use tools that are too hot, or keep the tool on the fiber for too long. The label that comes with the wig should have instructions for how hot a tool can be. If you have any doubt, please test a strand in the back of the wig so that if damage does happen, it won’t ruin the rest of the style. Many wig wearers like using adjustable heating tools so they can keep the temperature on the lowest setting. Keep in mind that if you can maintain your human hair wig in good condition, it can last several years.

Do Not Pull Wig Hair Fibers Too Much

Our human hair wigs caps are very high end hand-tied caps, designed to be extremely comfortable. As a result, you want to be careful when you are brushing your wig so you do not tear any lace or cap in the process. If your wig is very tangled, we recommend using a spray such as our Revive Liquid Enhancement by Rene of Paris to help soften, strengthen and loosen the wig hair fibers. We also suggest you use brushes and combs specifically designed for wigs. Another tip is to hold the hair just below the cap when you brush so you aren’t pulling the fibers out of the cap.

Find the Right Way to Style Your Wig

Some people like to style their wigs with it on their head so it feels like their bio hair did. Others prefer to put it on a mannequin head so it’s easier to reach and make the style uniform all the way around. Maybe you prefer a combination of both. The nice thing about wigs is you have the option! 

Use Wig Friendly Products

Human hair wigs are made out of human hair, so you can use bio hair products, however, some of them can contain a high level of alcohol and other additives that can be drying or damaging to wig fibers. We recommend using wig friendly products such as our Wig Shampoo, Conditioner, Revive Liquid Enhancement and Protect Holding Spray by Rene of Paris. These products are specifically made for wigs and will not damage the fibers.

Curling Human Hair Wigs

If you’re not sure how to curl your human hair wig, please watch the video below where Abby demonstrates a wrap around curl on her Emily wig!


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